C Programs


1)  write a program in C to declare and print of integer, flaot and character


/* program to declare and print of integer, flaot and character */


#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>


void main()


int a=7;

float b= 4.5;

            char c='a';



printf ("\n Result of program to declare and print of integer, flaot and characte\n");


            printf ("Integer a =  %d\n", a);

            printf ("Float b =  %f\n", b);

            printf ("Charecter c = %c\n", c);





2)  Write a program in C to accept the value of integer,flaot and character from user and print.

/* program to accept the value of integer,flaot and character from user and print */


#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>


void main()


               int a;

               float b;

               char c;



               printf ("enter integer,flaot and characte :  ");

               scanf ("%d %f %c", &a,&b,&c);


printf ("\nResult of program to accept the value of integer,flaot and character from user and print \n\n");

               printf ("Integer a =  %d\n", a);

               printf ("Float b =  %f\n", b);

               printf ("Charecter c = %c\n", c);





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