C Operators

        C Operators

§      An operator is a symbol that is used to perform operations such as arithmetic, logical, bitwise, etc.

§      There are three types of operators in C language.

Figure: Types of Operators


·         Operator :

It is an entity, which perform operation that is called operator.


                 20 + 30

                        Here, + sign is an operator which perform addition.

·         Operand :

It is an entity on which operation is to be performed is know as operand or data.


                 20 + 30

                        Here, 20 and 30 number is operator or called data on which addition operation is perform.

1)     I)      Binary Operator :

·        It is operator which is requires minimum two operand or data to perform operation is known as binary operator.

·        Binary operators are arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment & bitwise.

1)     Arithmetic operator: 




Addition (+)

Used for addition

10 + 5

Subtraction (-)

Use for subtraction

10 – 5

Multiplication (*)

Use for multiplication

10 * 5

Division (/)

Use for division

10 / 5

Modulus (%)

Use to find reminder after division

10 % 5


(Note – name of special characters i.e. + plus sign, - minus sign,

 * asterisk, / slash. & % percentage)


Arithmetic operation performs on different data types as follows.






7 + 3 = 10

4.8 + 1.2 = 6.0

‘a’+‘A’= 97+65=162


7 - 3 = 4

4.8 – 1.2 = 3.6

‘a’-‘A’= 97-65=32


4-7 = -4

1.2 – 4.8= -3.6



7 * 3 = 21

4.8 * 1.2 = 5.76



7 / 3 = 2

4.8 / 1.2 = 4.0



3 / 7 = 0

1.2 / 4.8 = 0.25



7 % 3 = 1




3 % 7 =3



1)  Relational Operator:

·        Relational operator compare two values and depending on its relation certain decisions taken.

·        If relation is True it returns ‘one’ and relation is False it returns ‘zero’

·        Relational operator used in decision making statement such as ‘if’ and ‘while’




Less than

< =

Less than or equal to


Greater than

>  =

Greater than or equal to

= =

equal to

! =

Not equal to






2 < 4

2 is less than 4


2 > 4

2 is greater than 4


2 <= 4

2 is less than or equal to 4


4 = = 4

4 is equal to 4


4 ! = 4

4 is not equal to 4



2)     Logical operators:

·        When we want to check more than one condition and make decision that time we are use logical operator.

·        The following table shows logical symbol and their meaning.


Logical Symbol


& &

Logical AND


Logical OR


Logical NOT





·        a < b && x >= 10

In above example, it is true when the value of a is less than value of b (a < b) is true AND the value of x is equal to 10 (x = = 10) is true.

·        a < b || x >= 10

In above example, it is true when the value of a is less than value of b (a < b) is true OR the value of x is equal to 10 (x = = 10) is true.


3)     Assignment operator:

·        Variable = Value or Variable or Expression

·        Assignment operator is used to assign the result of an expression to a variable.

For Example,

a = 4 ;        (the 4 is copied to variable ‘a’)   

a = b ;        (the value in variable ‘b’ is copied to variable ‘a’)

a = a + 1 ; (if variable ‘a’ value is 4 then a = 4 + 1 means new value of a is 5)

·        C has shorthand assignment operators of the form,

v op  =  exp


Where, v = variable

             op = arithmetic operator

            exp = expression

·        In c language there are 5 shorthand assignment operators i.e. + = , - =, * =, / = and % =


      a + = y + 1                 (Expand form of this expression is  a = a + (y + 1))

      Here, v (variable) = a

             op (arithmetic operator) = +

            exp (expression) = y + 1


Statement with shorthand operator

Statement with simple assignment operator

a + = 1

a  = a + 1

a -  = 2

a  = a -  2

a * = b+1

a = a * (b + 1)

c / = n + 1

c = c / (n+1)





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