These notes are specially applicable for the courses i.e. B.Tech., BCS, BCA, B.Sc (IT) & M.Sc(Computer Science). In which language is very simple to understand also all concepts are specifically elaborated. 

    Hello to everyone, I am Dr. Vivek Mahale, I am from Aurangabad located in Maharashtra. I have completed my education in M.Sc., B.Ed., MCA, Ph.D. I am the owner for this blog and sharing my knowledge through this channel. I am glad to share my knowledge and ideas through blogging so that student can explore their knowledge.



    Full Stack Data Science and AI Program by NASSCOM with 72% in Gold category

Book Published

        Book Title - “Analysis Of Image Inconsistencies For Image Forensics”

        Author: Vivek Mahale

        ISBN- 978-620-4-20045-3

        Publisher – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.


Google Scholar :

Scopus  :



1)   "Image Inconsistency Detection Using Local Binary Pattern (LBP)." , Procedia Computer Science VOLUME 115 (2017): PAGE NO.501-508 (ISSN 1877-0509).

2)   "Image inconsistency detection using histogram of orientated gradient (HOG)." In Intelligent Systems and Information Management (ICISIM), 2017 1st International Conference on, pp. 22-25. IEEE, 1ST December 2017.(Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-4264-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-4265-4)

3)   “Analysis of Image Inconsistency based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)” ICTIS 2018 ,Springer SIST(ISSN No.2190-3018) (BOOK Chapter)

4)   "Fingerprint recognition for person identification and verification based on minutiae matching." In Advanced Computing (IACC), 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on, pp. 332-339. IEEE, 2016.

5)   "Overview of fingerprint recognition system." In Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), International Conference on, pp. 1334-1338. IEEE, 2016.

6)   “Detection and Analysis of Video Inconsistency based on Local Binary Pattern (LBP)”, Springer, International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing &  Pattern  Recognition  (RTIP2R) December 21-22, 2018, Solapur University, Solapur, Maharashtra state, INDIA(Print ISBN978-981-13-9180-4, Online ISBN978-981-13-9181-1)

7)   "Decentralized E-voting system based on Smart Contract by using Blockchain Technology." In 2020 International Conference on Smart Innovations in Design, Environment, Management, Planning and Computing (ICSIDEMPC), pp. 176-180. IEEE, 2020.

8)   “Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Using Discrete Wavelet Transform.” In: Santosh K.C., Gawali B. (eds) Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. RTIP2R 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1380. Springer, Singapore. 

9)   "Real-time driver drowsiness detection based on eye movement and yawning using facial landmark." In 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2021.

10)   Web Application Based on Deep Learning for Detecting COVID-19 Using Chest X-Ray Images. In Telemedicine: The Computer Transformation of Healthcare (pp. 283-294). Springer, Cham (2022).

International Peer Reviewed Journals:

11)  "Passive-blind Image Forgery Detection Techniques." Weekly Science International Research Journal,Vol-1,Issue-8, 12th September 2013.(ISSN 2321-7871)

12)  “Today's Digital Forensic Research Challenges”, Weekly Science International Research Journal, Vol-1,Issue-8, 12th September 2013.(ISSN 2321-7871)

13)  “Today's University E-Learning Information Systems”, Weekly Science International Research Journal, Vol-1,Issue-8, 12th September 2013.(ISSN 2321-7871)

14)   “Digital and Cyber forensics research: The next 5 years”, Weekly Science International Research Journal, Vol-1,Issue-8, 12th September 2013.(ISSN 2321-7871)

15)   “ A Survey on Digital Image forgery Detection Techniques and Forensic methods”, International Conference on Interface of Information Technology, 23-25 September 2013, IBMRD, Ahmednagar(MH). (ISBN 978-93-82880-60-8)

16)   “Speech Synthesis System Applications based on HMM”, Research Dimensions, A Multi-Disciplinary Peer-Reviewed Research Journal, Vol.2, Issue.8, October 2014.(ISSN 2249-3867)

17)   “Spotted Word Recognition Syste based on HMM ( Hidden Markove Model), Review of Research, International Recognized Multidisciplinary ResearchJournal, Vol.4, Issue. 3, December 2014.(ISSN 2249-89X) Impact Factor: 2.1002(UIF)

18)  “Music System Identification using Shallow Statistical Descriptors Research Direction, International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.2, Issue. 6, December 2014.(ISSN 2321-5488) Impact Factor: 2.1005(UIF)

19)   “ Resent Trends in Multilingual Speech Processing”, Golden Research Thoughts, International Recognized Multidisciplinary ResearchJournal, Vol.4, Issue. 6, December 2014.(ISSN 2331-5063) Impact Factor: 2.2052(UIF)

20)  “Hindi Isolated Word Recognition System using MFCC and DTW”, Indian Streams Research Journal, International Recognized Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.4, Issue. 11, December 2014.(ISSN 2230-7850) Impact Factor: 2.1506(UIF)

21)   “Survey pixel base forgery detection” Paper Publish in International Journal, 2016(ISSN-2394-4072)

22)  "Weekly Science Research Journal Primary Article Passive-blind Image Forgery Detection Techniques." ISSN- 2321-7871 (2013).

23)  “Evaluation of Copy-Move Image Inconsistency using DWT”VIIT Research Journal.(VIITRJ)  ISSN No.2278-6112.

24)  "A Review: Palmprint Recognition Process and Techniques." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 13, no. 10 (2018): 7499-7507.

International Conferences:

25)   “Image Inconsistency Detection Based on Gradient Direction “in 2nd International Conference ICKE-2016, Dr.BAMU, Aurangabad.(Pre Print ISBN: 978-93-80876-89-4)

26)   “Image Forgery Detection and source identification”, International Conference on Interface of Information Technology, 23-25 September 2013, IBMRD, Ahmednagar(MH). (ISBN 978-93-82880-60-8)

27)   “Real-time detection of crime and violence in video surveillance using Deep Learning”, International Conference on Advances In Computer Vision And Artificial Intelligence Technologies (Acvait 2022) Aurangabad (Ms) India,1-2 Aug 2022

28)   “Visual Surveillance for the detection of abandoned objects: review”, Nielits'International Conference On Communication, Electronics And Digital Technology (NICE-DT'23), International Conference 2023, 10-11 February, 2023, New Delhi (Paper Accepted )

National Conferences:

29)  “Higher Education Reforms & Challenges in India” National Conference on Research & Technology for Global Education Reform  Interdisciplinary Institute, Kolhapur.(16th December 2012)

30)   “Advance Technologies UMIS and LMS for E-Learning System”, , National Conference on “Roll of IT in Education” 22nd December 2012. (ISBN 978-81-923393-3-7).