Character constant & String Constant in C

 Character constant:

A single character enclosed in two closing single quotes/ single inverted commas (’   ’) is said to be character constant. Both the inverted commas should point to the left.

For example, Û¥AÛ¥ is a valid character constant whereas ‛AÛ¥ is not. Note that the character constant Û¥ 5Û¥ is not the same as the number 5.

Valid Character Constants:   Û¥rÛ¥           Û¥=Û¥            Û¥AÛ¥

Invalid:                                    Û¥543Û¥        -     Length should be 1
-     Enclosed in single quotes  

Rules for Constructing Single Character constants

1.     A single character constant or character constant is a single alphabet, a single digit

        or a single special symbol enclosed within single inverted commas. Both the     

        inverted commas should point to the left.
2.    The maximum length of a single character constant can be one character.
3.    Each character constant has an integer value known as ASCII value.

For example-  printf(“%d”,’a’);

So it prints 97 because lower case ’a’ ASCII value is 97

String Constant

  • A set of characters enclosed in two closing double quotes is said to be string constant.
  • A characters may be letters, numbers, special character and blank space.

Example:      "Vivekanad College"







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