Flag Register of 8086 Microprocessor


Flag Register:



                        8086 microprocessor contains a 16 bit flag register. Out of these 16 bits only 9 flags are active (used). The 9 flags are classified into 2 types.


These are 6 flags in this category. These flags are set (logic ‘1’) or reset (logic ‘0’) by microprocessor depending upon the result produced by the execution of arithmetic or logical instruction. The 6 conditional flags are.

1)      Carry Flag (CF) – The flag is set 1 (CF=1) when there is carry out of BIT- 7 or BIT- 15 (MSB).

2)      Auxiliary carry flag (AF) – This flag is set 1 (AF=1) when there is a carry out of BIT- 3 to BIT- 4 or BIT- 7 to BIT- 8.

3)      Sign flag (SF) – Sign Flag is equal to MSB bit. If MSB = 1 means result is negative & MSB = 0 then result is positive.

4)      Zero flag (ZF) – This flag set 1 when result of an operation is zero.

5)      Parity flag (PF) – Parity is counts of ones in result number. PF = 0 for ODD parity & PF = 1 for EVEN parity.

6)      Overflow flag – This flag is set when the result crosses its boundary or out of range.


                              These flags are set or reset by users to control the operation of 8086. These flags are set or reset with specific instruction using in the program. The 3 control flags are:

1)      Interrupt Flag (IF) – When this flag is set it means that 8086 can accept interrupt request from i/o device during the execution of program.

2)      Trap flag (TF) – When this flag is set to 1 then 8086 enter in single stepping mode. In single stepping mode 8086 executes only 1 instruction & wait for user.

3)      Direction Flag (DF) – This flag is used in case of string instructions to auto increment or auto decrement operation of SI & DI register

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