In C programming languages, a data type tells to the compiler about which the type of data is going to be stored and the compiler reserves the fixed number of bytes for that particular data (i.e. variable or constant).

we can say that, a data type defines two things:

  1. Type of data (i.e. Primary (int,char,float & void) , derived ( i.e. Array, function & pointer) , User define (i.e. structure, union & enum)
  2. Memory blocks to be reserved for the data.

Data types are classified in three types i.e. Primary data type, derived data type & User define data type.

Units of Memory

0 or 1 – 1 bit

Group of 4 bits = 1 nibble

Group of 8 bits = 1 bytes

·        Primary Data types:

There are 4 primary or basic data types in C.

1)     Integer type:

§  It contains integer numbers.

§  To represent integer data type we use int keyword in C.


Sr. No.

Data Type

Size in Memory


Format Specifier



integer or

sign integer

2  Bytes



-32768 to 32767


Unsigned integer

2 Bytes



0 to 65535


Short integer

1 Byte

short int (or short )


-128 to 127


Unsigned short integer

1 Byte

unsigned short


0 to 255


long integer or

Sign long integer

4 Bytes

long int (or long)


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647


Unsigned long integer

4 Bytes

unsigned long int (or unsigned long)


0 to 4,294,967,295



1)     Floating type:

§  Floating type contains decimal point (fractional numbers)

§  Floating point data type stored in 4 byte (32 bit) memory with 6 digit precision.

§  In float number after point numbers of digit is present is called precision


Sr. No.

Data Type

Size in Memory

Format Specifier




4  Bytes


3.4 e -38 to 3.4 e +38



8 Bytes


1.7 e -308 to 1.7 e +308


long double

10 Byte


3.4 e -4932 to 1.1 e +4932


2)     Character data type:

§  Character type is define as a char

Sr. No.

Data Type

Size in Memory

Format Specifier



char or signed char



-128 to 127


char or unsigned char

1 Bytes


0 to 255


Note – empty data type is called void data 


// Program to showing size of different DATA TYPES




void main()




           printf("\n * Output of program to showing size of different DATA TYPES *\n");

           printf("\n   size of integer = %d",sizeof(int));

           printf("\n   size of unsigned integer = %d",sizeof(unsigned));

           printf("\n   size of long integer = %d",sizeof(long));

           printf("\n   size of unsigned long integer = %d",sizeof(unsigned long));

           printf("\n   size of float = %d",sizeof(float));

           printf("\n   size of double = %d",sizeof(double));

           printf("\n   size of long double = %d",sizeof(long double));

           printf("\n   size of character = %d",sizeof(char));

           printf("\n   size of unsigned character = %d",sizeof(unsigned char));





·        Derived data type

1)     Array:

§  Collection of similar data type is called array.

2)     Function:

§  Outside of main function subprogram is written is called function.

3)     Pointer:

§  Pointer is variable which holds address of another variable.

·        User define data type

1)     Structure / Union :

§  It is collection of different data type.

2)     Enum :

Enum (or Enumeration) is used to assign names to integral constants.