Program Memory Addressing Mode

 Program memory addressing mode

The addressing mode which transfer the program control from one memory location to another memory location is called program addressing mode. This addressing mode is used with JMP and CAL instructions. These two instruction are used to transfer the control of program execution to different memory location.(also this address mode is used with memory locatios of code segment in which program are stored.) these are 3 types of addressing mode.


1)      Direct program memory addressing

In addressing mode the address of memory location where program execution control is to be transferred is  stored in the instruction it self. For example if a program jumps to memory location 10000H for the next instruction, the address (1000H) is stored following the opcode in the memory. For example the instruction JMP [10000H] is store in memory as follow.

JUMP instruction loads CS(code Segment) with 1000H and IP with 0000H to jump to memory location. 10000H. for the next instruction.


2) Relative program memory addressing

            The term relative means “relative to the instruction pointer(IP)”. For example , if a JMP instruction skips the next two bytes of memory, the address relative to instruction pointer is a 2 that adds to the instruction pointer, this develops the address of the next instruction. Relative JMP and CALL instruction contains either 8 or 16 bit displacement that allows forward or reverse memory reference.

For example the instruction JMP [2] is work as follows;

MEMORY         OPCODE                 MNEMONICS                      



      1000 H                EB                            JMP [2]

1001 H                02                

1002 H

1003 H

1004 H



3)      Indirect program addressing mode

                  In 8086 microprocessor there are several forms of indirect program memory

      addressing for JMP and CALL instructions. In this mode  the address of memory location

      where jump is to be mode is stored in any 16 bit register i.e. AX,BX,CX,DX,SP,BP,SI,DI

For example,

 JMP [BX]       ; BX reg holds the address of JMP instruction.

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