Microprocessor Based Personal Computer System


 Fig. 1 Microprocessor Base Personal Computer System


            Figure shows microprocessor based personal computer system as shown it consists of three independent units.

1) Microprocessor

2) Memory system

3) Input/ Output system

            These three units are interconnecting with the help of communication media such as group of wires (Bus) using this bus microprocessor communicates with memory & I/O devices. Typically in a microprocessor base system three types of buses are used.

             I.      Address Bus: This bus is used by microprocessor to send address to memory & I/O devices since all the address are sent by microprocessor. This bus is unidirectional.

          II.      Data Bus: -     This bus is used to transfer data between microprocessor & memory or I/O device since data can flow IN & OUT of microprocessor this bus is bidirectional.

          III.     Control Bus:  this bus is used by microprocessor to send control signals to memory  & I/O devices.

1)      Microprocessor:-

                        The microprocessor is the central controller of the microprocessor based system. All the programs are executed by microprocessor. It also performs various arithmetic &logical operations using arithmetic logic unit (ALU). It also sends addresses & control signals to memory & I/O devices. Therefore it is also called as HEART of microprocessor based personal computer system.

2)      Memory System:-

                        The memory section usually consists of a RAM & ROM. The memory system is used to store program data either permanently (ROM) or temporarily (RAM) memory has two purpose. The first purpose is to store the binary codes for sequence of instructions which user want to execute. The second purpose of the memory is to store the binary-coded data with which the computer is going to be working.

3)      Input/output:-

                        The input/output sections allow the computer to take data from the outside world or send data to the outside word. Such as Keyboards, mouse, printer etc. parts allow the user & the computer to communicate with each other. An input port allows data from keyboard. An output port is used to send data from computer to peripheral such as printer, video display terminals.