- Home-icon
- About Me
- C Programming - I
- _Introduction
- __fundamentals of c language
- __ Basic Structure of C Programs
- _Basic Element & Operator
- __C Tokens & Integer Constant
- __Real Constant
- __String Constant
- __variables
- __Operators
- _Data Types
- _C Program & I/O Statements
- __Scanf Function
- __Printf Function
- __Structure of C Programs
- _Control & Iterative Statements
- __if statement
- __if else
- __else if ladder
- __switch
- __While loop
- __do while loop
- __for loop
- _Arrays
- __Introduction of Array & One dimension Array
- __2-D Array
- __Multidimensional Arrays
- _Program as per practical syllabus list
- Microprocessor Part1
- _Before Start Microprocessor
- _Microprocessor Based Personal Computer
- _Register Organization of 8086
- _Memory Segmentation
- _Internal Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor
- _Addressing modes
- __Data addressing mode
- __Program Memory Addressing Mode
- __Stack Memory Addressing Mode
- _Instruction set of 8086 Microprocessor
- _Arithmetic Instructions
- _Flag Register
- Microprocessor Part 2
- _Computer Data Formats
- _Program for File
- _Computer Data Formats
- _BCD & ASCII Arithmetic
- _Pin Diagram 8086
- Programming Methodology
- _Progmming Environment
- __Program/Programmer
- __Features of Good Programming Language
- __Bugs & Debugging
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
- _Python
- __List