Arithmetic Instructions-1

 Arithmetic Instructions-1

·         SUB


This instruction subtract source operand from destination operand and store result in destination operand. The source can be 8/16 bit register, memory location or immediate number. The destination can be 8/16 bit register or memory location. The instruction affect all 6 conditional flags.

Example :-

            SUB AL,04

            SUB AL,BL

            SUB AL,[2000]

            SUB AX,BX

·        SBB


This instruction subtracts source operand from destination operand and also subtract carry (borrow) flag from result. The result is stored in destination operand. The source can be 8/16 bit register, memory location or immediate number. The destination can be 8/16 bit register or memory location. The instruction affect all 6 conditional flags.

Example :-

            SBB AL,04

            SBB AL,BL

            SBB AL,[2000]

            SBB AX,BX



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